May-Thurner syndrome
Diffuse deep vein thrombosis(DVT) in left common femoral vein to middle superficial femoral vein(SFV). The venous flow was decreased from distal part of left middle SFV to popliteal vein, and no change during respiration

Acute DVT involving from the ostium of left common iliac vein to middle SFV. DVT with narrow space between vertebral anterior body and right common iliac artery(CIA) suggest May-Thurner Syndrome. Non-enhanced vein wall with increased luminal diameter indicates acute phase.

It is known as the iliac vein compression syndrome, is a condition in which compression of the common venous outflow tract of the left lower extremity may cause discomfort, swelling, pain or clots (deep venous thrombosis) in the iliofemoral veins.
Left iliac vein(arrow) which is located between vertebral anterior body (arrowheads) and right common iliac artery(CIA) (asterick) was collapsed by right CIA. IVUS appears superior to venography and is the best method for diagnosis of common iliac vein obstruction