Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA)
Rt. femoral vein and artery were punctured. Aortogram showed PDA with prominent Left to Right shunt in a typical location, Type C, smallest diameter 7 mm. The morphology of PDA was a typical Conical PDA with an ampulla and narrow pulmonary end. (Krichenkow A). The Qp/Qs= 2.5:1. Amplatz occluder 10-8 mm was used.

IVUS pullback was performed from descending thoracic aorta to right ventricle. It showed a small PDA with short length. The measured lumen area of PDA was 26.31 mm2, The minimum diameter was 5.01 mm and 6.60 mm was maximal diameter. The mean diameter was 5.87 mm with 5.4 mm of length.