Atherectomy SFA

IVUS by PIC Peshawar

Atherectomy ; SFA

Atherectomy ; SFA

Near total occlusion of previous stent of Lt. proximal superficial femoral artery (SMART 6x120mm, 2015.6). Diffuse long in-stent restenosis was found in superficial femoral artery of the diabetic patient. Pre- and post-atherectomy IVUS was performed.

Pre-atherectomy IVUS

The stent was well expanded, but in-stent restenosis was found. The neointimal showed a homogenous, diffuse with two layers of the stent.

Percutaneous atherectomy was done with Silverhawk LS-M from ISR to distal de novo lesion twice.

Post-atherectomy IVUS

The lumen area was increased after two times of atherectomy. Neointima was removed and dissected tissue was shown.

Dissected neointima tissue after Atherectomy.